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Posted in: Water Filters

Change Water Filters: How Often Do You Need to Do It

How often do you need to change water filters

It’s one of those questions that you can’t always answer off the top of your head - How often do you need to change water filters? The answer is to follow a schedule and keep track of each time you do modify your filters. After all, you want to know you’ve got clean, fresh water when you need it.

There are many benefits to having filtered water. It’s safer to drink and healthier for your body. That’s why you need quality items and not just ones that promise a great deal but can’t live up to the task.

The thing about using even the best quality filters is that you need to take care and remember to clean them over at regular intervals. If you don’t, you are undoing all the good that water filters are working towards. If you forget them for long enough, then you may as well not have a water filter at all.

To get all the advantages of clean, filtered water, you need to maintain a filter changeover before you have a problem.

Different water filters and how long they last

There is a wide variety of filters available today. 

The list includes a wide choice of water filter systems and cartridges, including;

  • Undersink filters
  • Whole House Water filters
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Food Service Water filters
  • Water filter taps
  • Caravan and portable filters

Each of these options have different development stage over time. The other contributing factors are how often you use the water outlet and the quality of the water you are using.

Obviously, a harsher and less treated water will shorten the life of the filter. 

You want to be sure that you are looking after your water filter or you will compromise the quality of the water you use.

Each filter and filter system will have direct guidelines from the manufacturer about how and how often you need to change your filter for your particular needs. 

The most popular ways to filter water

To ensure the purity and quality of your water, many people choose the undersink filter system for their household.

Purifying the water from the mains means you can filter your water at the most convenient point. This is most often under the kitchen sink where the filter system is easier to install and hidden from view. You can also couple the system with a bathroom filter under the basin.

The benefits of an undersink water filter are that you have no mixing of filtered and unfiltered water and the changeover of the filter cartridges is easy and time efficient.

For example, the Puretec Z1-T5 Tripla 3 Way undersink water filter kit has all you could want in a filter system. You can have hot, cold and filtered mains water from the one specially designed mixer.

The valve-in-head filter allows for a quick twist, no mess or fuss cartridge changeover. 

This is when you could still be asking ‘how often do you need to change filters?’ In this example, you have the benefit of a self-monitoring filter system. 

This triple-action tapware has its own built-in LED reminder light that turns from blue to red to show the filter needs replacing. 

That’s a great way to stay on top of your water filtering needs.

View of under kitchen sink

What happens if you don’t change your filters?

Whatever system of water filtration you use, it’s important that you always follow the recommendations of the water filter manufacturer.

For some basic filters, you might need to modify your filter every few months. For different applications such as an undersink water filter, replacement is usually every 12 months. If the system is used in a commercial setting, that changeover will need to be made every 4 months.

One thing to keep in mind is that you will need to replace the battery of any water filter system that uses an LED light indicator.

If you don’t change your filters you could be using water that is in fact worse than the quality of water from a tap. This means an increase in issues such as contaminants and a build-up of impurities. 

Your water filter system is only as good as the maintenance you give it. Sometimes making a calendar entry for each filter replacement is the safest option.

This is when you may be asking, where do you find the best water filter system for you? Luckily, the answer is easy.

Cafe and bar interior

The Plumbing Sales difference

You'll find a huge range of top grade water filter products including a wide selection of Puretec filters and other offerings from the world’s leading brands at Plumbing Sales. You can be sure of the quality because all the products on offer are made to strict Australian standards.

The great thing is that the unbeatable range and quality is matched by Plumbing Sales dedication to bringing you the best prices. Australians have been getting fabulous deals on water filter systems and other plumbing supplies for more than 60 years.

The best part is you can shop online – anytime – that’s 24/7.

When it comes to buying plumbing supplies, the best range, best quality and best prices are at Plumbing Sales.